
What is a prayground?

A “Prayground” is a space within the sanctuary where children can experience worship through play and age-appropriate worship materials. The space is usually located toward the front of the worship space so that children can see and hear throughout worship. Praygrounds encourage families to worship together, as children remain in worship throughout the entire service. 

Why does Wellspring have one?

Children can and do engage in worship! Research shows that worship is formative for even the youngest among us. By providing a space for children to engage in worship in the sanctuary, we communicate to children that they are welcome and fully included in our community of faith. 

Where is it? 

Toward the front of the Sanctuary, on the piano/nursery side of the room. 

Want to learn more? 

‘Praygrounds’ encourage little children to come

Welcoming Children in Worship through the Prayground/ Grace Space

How can you support the Prayground? 

  • Welcome families and children in worship. Assure them that “all are welcome, all are accepted, all are loved, and all means all” includes children. 

  • Celebrate the noises, distractions, and messes that come along with having children in our midst. Unlike his disciples, who considered children a distraction, Jesus welcomed & blessed the children. (Matthew 19:13-15)

  • Help us furnish the Prayground (and refurbish our nursery space and kids Sunday School classroom) with materials and supplies needed for meaningful faith formation: Amazon wishlist