Caring for People

"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." - Galatians 6:2

COVID Prayer and Pastoral Care

During this time, we are aware that there are prayer concerns you would like to share. We have a prayer team that is always ready to lift your prayer concerns each week. Pastor Jeff is always willing to lift any confidential prayer concerns in his own prayer time.

We also have those who are in need of Pastoral Care in the form of a phone call (and followup calls or emails, as well). Pastor Jeff will be glad to contact anyone identified as needing pastoral care. Some may wish to be contacted by members of our Pastoral Care Team or Congregational Care Ministry Team.

We have created a form that will be submitted directly to Pastor Jeff each week for him to act on. There is a section for you to identify yourself as the person making the submission, a space for prayer concerns and a space for pastoral care concerns. 

You can access that form HERE.

Congregational Care Ministries (CCMs)

We have teams of folks who provide direct care to friends and family of Wellspring who are in need. We call the coordinators and lead caregivers "Congregational Care Ministers" or CCMs.

CCMs are hospital and long-term care visitors, and the coordinated care such as providing meals, sending greeting cards and gift baskets, making prayer shawls, and peer-counseling.

Please contact Beverly Smythia if you need assistance, or would like to join our team.

If you have a Pastoral Care emergency, please contact the church office.

Prayer Ministry

During the pandemic we have been meeting on Zoom on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. - contact Jessica Petersen for more information.

We invite you to share in this ministry by praying for others and the sharing of your own joys and concerns. We pray alone, in small groups, and as a community of faith.

Prayer Ministry Team

Meets weekly on Mondays at 2:00pm via zoom. The focus is on praying for the church and church leaders, our community and personal prayer requests. The team seeks to promote prayer by example and instruction as an essential discipline for all believers. If you want to pray with us, we welcome you!

Intercessory Prayer

A weekly listing of personal prayer requests is made of those individuals, families, and friends of Wellspring requesting prayers, and are prayed over each Monday by the Prayer Ministry Team. See the front page of the website to view the latest E-News and subscribe for weekly updates.


The Hospitality Team manages the Munch & Mingle area on Sunday during services.

Contact Renee Crabtree.