United Methodist Women (UMW)
Our United Methodist Women of Wellspring (UMWOW) meets regularly for luncheon programs (potlucks), mission and service. See our church calendar for a full schedule of events.
We also have an active book club called “BLT” for Bringing Ladies Together for Bible Led Teaching meeting on the third Thursday of each month. This is an age diverse group studying 3-4 books a year and discussing the application to our lives.
Contact: Cathy Wyman (csnwyman@wymanusa.org)
United Methodist Men (UMM)
Wellspring United Methodist Men [UMM] normally meets the first Saturday of each month at 8:00 a.m., unless it is a holiday or an UMM event. All men are invited to come and join anytime! All men are automatically UMM members, and there are no dues.
Contact John Schwebke
UMM has a Valentine Brunch for the ladies and usually have over 100 attendees. In 2017; UMM raised over $6000 when we sponsored a pancake Supper for a Salvation Army truck and we also supported the Spring Fling with food. UMM has made donations to Aldersgate Adult home, Brookwood in Georgetown, Wellspring Children Ministry Wellspring Youth Scholarships, Wellspring Youth Ministry, Underbridge Ministry, Landscape Committee, Samaritan Fund, and other ministries.
The major fundraiser is the October Garage sale which is held in Sun City and the entire church provides merchandise for the sale. UMM members started and continue to support Close Friends each Friday which is four hours of fun for Alzheimer’s patients and a respite for their care givers. UMM members are active in all activities of church and community outreach. The monthly meeting gives members an opportunity for fellowship and to discuss important church issues.
Men’s Spit and Whittle Group – weekly breakfast social group discussing current events. Contact Cliff Barkley.
Central Texas Conference UMM information